


1. Saito Y, Watanabe T, Sasaki T, Watanabe K, Hirayama M, Fujita N, Irisawa T, Akuzawa S. (2020) Effects of single ingestion of rice cracker and cooked rice with high resistant starch on postprandial glucose and insulin responses in healthy adults: two randomized, single-blind, cross-over trials. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 84: 365-371

2. Suzuki R, Suzuki E. (2020) Structure and Function of Branching Enzymes in Eukaryotes. Trends Glycosci. Glycotechnol. 32: E21-E30

3. 鈴木龍一郎, 鈴木英治. (2020) 真核生物における枝作り酵素の構造と機能. Trends Glycosci. Glycotechnol. 32: J19-J28

1. Nagaoka J, Wada K, Katoh M, Fujita N, Irisawa T, Akuzawa S. (2019) Characterization analysis of fermented rice bran and identification of some amylase-producing bacteria isolated from fermented rice bran in Heshiko. Food Preservation Science 45: 85-93

2. Crofts N, Itoh A, Abe M, Muira S, Oitome N.F, Bao J, Fujita N. (2019) Three major nucleotide polymorphisms in the waxy gene correlated with the amounts of extra-long chains of amylopectin in rice cultivars with S or L-type amylopectin. J. Appl. Glycosci. 66: 37-46

3. Cakir B, Tian L, Crofts, N, Chou H-L, Koper K, Ng C-Y, Tuncel A, Gargouri M, Hwang S-K, Fujita N, Okita T. (2019) Re-programming of gene expression in the CS8 rice line over-expressing ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase induces a suppressor of starch biosynthesis. Plant J. 97: 1073-1088

4. Honda Y, Yamazaki T, Katsumi N, Fujita N, Matsumoto K, Okazaki M, Miwa S. (2019) Physicochemical Properties of Starches from Lotus Rhizomes Harvested in Different Months. J. Appl. Glycosci. 66: 51-57

5. Morita R, Croft N, Shibatani N, Miura S, Hosaka Y, Oitome N.F, Ikeda K, Fujita N, Fukayama H. (2019) CO2 responsive CCT protein stimulates the ectopic expression of particular starch biosynthesis-related enzymes, which markedly change the structure of starch in the leaf sheaths of rice. Plant Cell Physiol. 60: 961-972

6. Nitta H, Hasebe M, Hosaka Y, Wakui T, Fujita N. (2019) Physical Properties and Starch Structure of Ground Rice Puree. Food Sci. Technol. Res. 25: 499-505

7. Kato K, Suzuki Y, Hosaka Y, Takahashi R, Kodama I, Sato K, Kawamoto T, Kumamaru T, Fujita N.. (2019) Effect of high temperature on starch biosynthetic enzymes and starch structure in japonica rice cultivar ‘Akitakomachi’ (Oryza sativa L.) endosperm and palatability of cooked rice. J. Cereal Sci. 87: 209-214

8. Sera Y, Hanamata S, Sakamoto S, Ono S, Kaneko K, Mitsui Y, Koyano T, Fujita N, Sasou A, Masumura T, Saji H, Nonomura K-I, Mitsuda N, Mitsui T, Kurusu T, Kuchitsu K. (2019) Essential roles of autophagy in metabolic regulation in endosperm development during rice seed maturation. Sci. Rep. 9: 18544

9. クロフツ尚子, 三浦聡子, 林真理, 阿部奈津子, 飯塚悠莉子, 追留那緒子, 藤田直子. (2019) 変異体米を用いたイネ澱粉生合成関連酵素の酵素複合体の解析. 応用等質科学 9: 76-82

10. 藤田直子, 三浦聡子, クロフツ尚子, 中村保典. (2019) 分子マーカーを用いたイネ品種育成と品種鑑定. 秋田県立大学ウェブジャーナルB 6: 58-62

11. 藤田直子, 保坂優子, 阿部美里, 新田陽佳, 長谷部満, 涌井徹. (2019) 難消化性澱粉(RS)を多く含む米の試験管内における機能性評価. 秋田県立大学ウェブジャーナルB 6: 107-111

12. 藤田直子, 佐藤勉. (2019) 多様な麹と多様な米を用いた発酵新素材に関する研究. 秋田県立大学ウェブジャーナルB 6: 112-115

13. 藤田直子, 伊藤優季, 長谷部満, 涌井徹. (2019) 「あきたぱらり」と「A6」を用いたカレーピラフの機能性および官能評価. 秋田県立大学ウェブジャーナルB 6: 116-119

14. 藤田直子, 中村保典. (2019) 大学発ベンチャー企業の設立. 秋田県立大学ウェブジャーナルB 6: 174-178

15. 鈴木龍一郎. (2019) 糖質に関わる酵素の構造生物学―澱粉生合成メカニズムの解明に向けて―. 応用糖質科学 9: 11-16

1. Miura S, Crofts N, Abe M, Murai K, Iwaki K, Fujita S, Fujita N. (2018) Identification of a point mutation in the Granule-bound starch synthase I gene (GBSSI) in a waxy diploid wheat mutant and design of molecular markers for backcrossing. J. Appl. Glycosci. 65: 9-11

2. Tanaka Y, Takahashi K, Kato J, Sawazaki A, Akasaka T, Fujita N, Kumamaru T, Saito Y, Shirouchi B, Sato M. (2018) Starch synthase (SS) IIIa and starch branching enzyme (BE) IIb-deficient 1 mutant rice line ameliorates pancreatic insulin secretion in rats: Screening and evaluating mutant rice lines with anti-diabetic functionalities. Br. J. Nutr. 119: 970-980

3. Hayashi M, Crofts N, Oitome N.F, Fujita N. (2018) Analyses of starch biosynthetic protein complexes and starch properties from developing mutant rice seeds with minimal starch synthase activities. BMC Plant Biol. 18: 59

4. Miura S, Crofts N, Saito Y, Hosaka Y, Oitome N.F, Watanabe T, Kumamaru T, Fujita N. (2018) Starch synthase IIa-deficient mutant rice line produces endosperm starch with lower gelatinization temperature than japonica rice cultivars. Front. Plant Sci. 9: 645

5. Crofts N, Iizuka Y, Abe N, Miura S, Kikuchi K, Matsushima R, Fujita N. (2018) Rice mutants lacking starch synthase I or branching enzyme IIb activity altered starch biosynthetic protein complexes. Front. Plant Sci. 871: 1817

6. Araki M, Okano K, Ohta O, Suzuki E, Fujibayashi M, Miyata N. (2018) Characteristics of Harmful Algal Blooms during a Low Water Temperature Season in Lake Hachiro. J. Water Environ. Tech. 16: 175-183

7. Suzuki R, Fujimoto Z, Kaneko S, Hasegawa T, Kuno A. (2018) Enhanced Azidolysis by the Formation of Stable Ser–His Catalytic Dyad in a Glycoside Hydrolase Family 10 Xylanase Mutant. J. Appl. Glycosci. 65: 1-8

8. 伊藤俊彦, 大阪朝美, 広幡千紘, 野口巧実, 藤田直子, 橋爪克己. (2018) 難消化性澱粉分解酵素生産糸状菌株の探索. 秋田県立大学ウェブジャーナルB 5: 126-130

9. 藤田直子, クロフツ尚子. (2018) 新規機能性米の普及をめざして~高難消化性澱粉(RS)米の栽培特性と市場調査~. 秋田県立大学ウェブジャーナルB 5: 143-147

10. 藤田直子. (2018) 澱粉研究の潮流 その2 澱粉の生合成~米澱粉のデザイン. 応用糖質科学 8: 257-262

11. 藤田直子. (2018) 澱粉生合成の基礎研究から機能性米の開発へ. 第16回糖鎖科学コンソーシアムシンポジウム要旨集 46-47

1. Nakamura Y, Ono M, Sawada T, Crofts N, Fujita N, Steup M. (2017) Characterization of the functional interactions of plastidial starch phosphorylase and starch branching enzymes from rice endosperm during reserve starch biosynthesis. Plant Science 264: 83-95

2. Murakami S, Fujita N, Nakamura Y, Inouchi N, Oitome N.F, Koda T, Nishioka A. (2017) Effects of shear and milling treatment on molecular structures of rice starch. Starch/Stärke 70:(3-4) 1700164

3. Crofts N, Sugimoto K, Oitome N.F, Nakamura Y, Fujita N. (2017) Differences in specificity and compensatory functions among three major starch synthases determine the structure of amylopectin in rice endosperm. Plant Molecular Biology 94: 399-417

4. Crofts N, Nakamura Y, Fujita N. (2017) Critical and speculative review of the roles of multi-protein complexes in starch biosynthesis in cereals. Plant Sci. 262:1-8

5. 藤田直子, 大野智子, 保田謙太郎. (2017) 低カロリー機能性米の地域普及を目指して. 秋田県立大学ウェブジャーナルB 4: 7-12

6. 伊藤俊彦, 藤原純一, 野口巧実, 藤田直子, 橋爪克己. (2017) 難消化性米が清酒製造へ及ぼす影響. 秋田県立大学ウェブジャーナルB 4: 125-130

7. Hayashi M, Suzuki R, Colleoni C, Ball SG, Fujita N, Suzuki E. (2017) Bound substrate in the structure of cyanobacterial branching enzyme supports a new mechanistic model. J. Biol. Chem. 292: 5465–5475

8. Fujisawa T, Narikawa R, Maeda S, Watanabe S, Kanesaki Y, Kobayashi K, Nomata J, Hanaoka M, Watanabe M, Ehira S, Suzuki E, Awai K, Nakamura Y. (2017) CyanoBase: a large-scale update on its 20th anniversary. Nucleic Acids Res. 45: 551-554

9. Takahashi T, Fujita N. (2017) Thermal and rheological characteristics of mutant rice starches with widespread variation of amylose content and amylopectin structure. Food Hydrocolloids 62: 83-93

10. Yano H, Koda T, Miyata K, Nishio T, Fujita N, Nishioka A. (2017) Effect of molecular architecture of rice starch on the baking qualities and rheological properties of pure rice bread. Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi 45: 33-37

11. Itoh Y, Crofts N, Abe M, Hosaka Y, Fujita N. (2017) Characterization of the endosperm starch and the pleiotropic effects of biosynthetic enzymes on their properties in novel mutant rice lines with high resistant starch and amylose content. Plant Sci. 258: 52-60

12. Nakagami T, Yoshihara H, Nakamura T, Utsumi Y, Sawada T, Fujita N, Satoh H, Nakamura Y. (2017) Biochemical analysis of new-type mutants of japonica rice that accumulate water-soluble α-glucans in the endosperm but retain full starch debranching enzyme activities. Starch/Stärke (in press)

13. Itoh Y, Crofts N, Abe M, Hosaka Y, Fujita N. (2017) Characterization of the endosperm starch and the pleiotropic effects of biosynthetic enzymes on their properties in novel mutant rice lines with high resistant starch and amylose content. Plant Sci. 258: 52-60

14. Rai H, Yokoyama S, Satoh-Nagasawa N, Furukawa J, Nomi T, Ito Y, Fujimura S, Takahashi H, Suzuki R, Yousra E, Goto A, Fuji S, Nakamura SI, Shinano T, Nagasawa N, Wabiko H, Hattori H. (2017) Cesium Uptake by Rice Roots Largely Depends Upon a Single Gene, HAK1, Which Encodes a Potassium Transporter. Plant Cell Physiol. 58: 1486-1493

15. Fujimoto Z, Kishine N, Suzuki N, Suzuki R, Mizushima D, Momma M, Kimura K, Funane K. (2017) Isomaltooligosaccharide-binding structure of Paenibacillus sp. 598K cycloisomaltooligosaccharide glucanotransferase. Bioscience Rep. 37: BSR20170253

16. Ichinose H, Suzuki R, Miyazaki T, Kimura K, Momma M, Suzuki N, Fujimoto Z, Kimura A, Funane K. (2017) Paenibacillus sp. 598K 6-α-glucosyltransferase is essential for cycloisomaltooligosaccharide synthesis from α-(1 → 4)-glucan. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 101: 4115-4128

17. 藤田直子 (2017) 秋田県立大学発新規需要米の開発. 秋田育種談話会記事 31: 1-2

18. 鈴木龍一郎, 林真里, 黒木みほ, 木村友亮, 佐々木柾秀, 藤田直子, 鈴木英治 (2017) 貯蔵多糖特性の異なるシアノバクテリア由来枝作り酵素の構造と機能. 応用糖質科学 7: 84-90

19. 本多裕司, 山崎徹也, 勝見尚也, 藤田直子, 松本健司, 岡崎正規, 三輪章志 (2017) 石川県産レンコンから分離した澱粉の性質について. 応用糖質科学 7: 57-62

1. Suzuki E and Suzuki R. (2016) Distribution of glucan-branching enzymes among prokaryotes. Cell. Mol. Life. Sci. 73: 2643-2660

2. Kobayashi T, Sasaki S, Utsumi Y, Fujita N, Umeda K, Sawada T, Kubo A, Abe J, Colleoni C, Ball S, Nakamura Y. (2016) Comparison of chain-length preferences and glucan specificities of isoamylase-type α-glucan debranching enzymes from rice, Cyanobacteria, and bacteria. PLoS ONE 11: 1-21

3. Nakagami T, Yoshihara H, Nakamura T, Utsumi Y, Sawada T, Fujita N, Satoh H, Nakamura Y. (2016) Biochemical analysis of new-type mutants of japonica rice that accumulate water-soluble α-glucans in the endosperm but retain full starch debranching enzyme activities. Starch/Stärke in press

4. Yamazaki T, Katsumi N, Fujita N, Matsumoto K, Okazaki M, Miwa S, Honda Y (2016) Physicochemical Properties of Starches from Different Lotus Cultivars in Japan: Shinashirohana and Kanasumi-line No. 20. J. Appl. Glycosci. 63: 61-68

5. Itoh Y, Crofts N, Abe M, Oitome NF, Fujita N. (2016) Screening method for novel rice starch mutant lines prepared by introducing gene encoding starch synthase IIa and granule-bound starch synthase I from indica cultivar into a branching enzyme IIb-deficient mutant line. J. Appl. Glycosci. 63: 27-30

6. Tsuiki K, Fujisawa H, Itoh A, Sato M, Fujita N. (2016) Alterations of Starch Structure Lead to Increased Resistant Starch of Steamed Rice: Identification of High Resistant Starch Rice Lines. J. Cereal Sci. 68: 88-2

7. Toyosawa Y, Kawagoe Y, Matsushima R, Crofts N, Ogawa M, Fukuda M, Kumamaru T, Okazaki Y, Kusano M, Saito K, Toyooka K, Sato M, Ai Y, Jane J-L, Nakamura Y, Fujita N. (2016) Deficiency of starch synthase IIIa and IVb alters starch granule morphology from polyhedral to spherical in rice endosperm. Plant Physiol. 170: 1255-1270

8. Cakir B, Shiraishi S, Tuncel A, Matsusaka H, Satoh R, Singh S, Crofts N, Hosaka Y, Fujita N, Hwang S-K, Satoh H, Okita T. (2016) Analysis of the rice ADPglucose transporter (OsBT1) indicates the presence of regulatory processes in the amyloplast stroma that control ADPglucose flux into starch. Plant Physiol. 170: 1271-1283

9. Matsushima R, Maekawa M, Kusano M, Tomita K, Kondo H, Nishimura H, Crofts N, Fujita N, Sakamoto W. (2016) Amyloplast Membrane Protein SUBSTANDARD STARCH GRAIN6 Controls Starch Grain Size in Rice Endosperm. Plant Physiol. 170: 1445-1459

10. Nose T, Ishizaka S, Okano K, Fujita N, Murata J, Muraguchi H, Ozaki N, Honma M, Ito R. (2016) Differential interference contrast imaging using a pair of twisted nematic cells. Opt. Lett. 41: 4012-4015

11. 藤田直子. (2016) 新規な澱粉をもつこめの開発とその新規需要創出~学長重点プロジェクト(2013-2015年)の成果~ 秋田県立大学ウェブジャーナルB 3: 1-6

1. Higuchi K, Kanai M, Tsuchiya M, Ishii H, Shibuya N, Fujita N, Nakamura Y, Suzui N, Fujimaki S, Miwa E. (2015) Common reed accumulates starch in its stem by metabolic adaptation under Cd stress conditions. Front. Plant Science 6: 138

2. Suzuki R, Koide K, Hayashi M, Suzuki T, Sawada T, Ohdan T, Takahashi H, Nakamura Y, Fujita N, Suzuki E. (2015) Functional characterization of three (GH13) branching enzymes involved in cyanobacterial starch biosynthesis from Cyanobacterium sp. NBRC 102756. Biochim. Biophys. Acta Proteins and Proteomics 1854: 476-484

3. Hayashi M, Kodama M, Nakamura Y, Fujita N. (2015) Thermal and Pasting Properties, Morphology of Starch Granules, and Crystallinity of Endosperm Starch in the Rice SSI and SSIIIa Double-Mutant. J. Appl. Glycosci. 62: 81-86

4. Crofts N, Abe N, Oitome NF, Matsushima R, Tetlow IR, Emes MJ, Nakamura Y, Fujita N. (2015) Amylopectin biosynthetic enzymes from rice developing seed form enzymatically active protein complexes. J. Exp. Bot. 66: 4469-4482

5. Hayashi M, Suzuki R, Colleoni C, Ball SG, Fujita N, Suzuki E. (2015) Crystallization and crystallographic analysis of branching enzymes from Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142. Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. 71: 1109-1113

6. 能勢敏明,藤田直子,岡野桂樹,本間道則,伊藤良太. (2015) 液晶素子を用いた生体試料の複屈折イメージング 光学 44: 204-206

7. 安東竜一,影嶋富美,高田正保,中村保典藤田直子. (2015) ウルチ性変異体米澱粉の食品等への利用可能性試験 日本応用糖質科学 5: 168-174

8. 藤田修三,藤田直子,岩城啓子. (2015) もち小麦加工の基本情報 食品加工技術 35: 142-148

9. クロフツ尚子藤田直子. (2015) イネ胚乳澱粉生合成過程における酵素複合体の関与 応用糖質科学 5: 157-161

1. Asai H, Abe N, Matsushima R, Crofts N, Oitome NF, Nakamura Y, Fujita N. (2014) Deficiencies in both starch synthase (SS) IIIa and branching enzyme IIb lead to a significant increase in amylose in SSIIa inactive japonica rice seeds. J. Exp. Bot. 65: 5497-5507

2. Sawada T, Nakamura Y, Ohdan T, Saitoh A, Francisco, Jr.BP, Suzuki E, Fujita N, Shimonaga T, Fujiwara S, Tsuzuki M, Colleoni C, Ball S. (2014) Diversity of reaction characteristics of glucan branching enzymes and the fine structure of α-glucan from various sources. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 562: 9-21

3. 藤田直子立木芳追留那緒子阿部美里クロフツ尚子,川本朋彦,小玉郁子,加藤和直,佐藤健介,髙橋竜一,伏見力 (2014) 新規澱粉米品種の育成に向けて~BC2F3種子およびBC2F2椊物の解析~ 秋田県立大学ウェブジャーナルB 1: 7-11

4. Nose T, Kamata K, Takeuchi T, Okano K, Fujita N, Muraguchi H, Ozaki N, Honma M, Ito R. (2014) Determination of birefringence and slow axis distribution using an interferometric measurement system with liquid crystal phase shifter. Applied Optics 53: 7230-7235

5. Tuano APP, Aoki N, Fujita N, Oitome NF, Merca FE, Juliano BO. (2014) Grain and starch properties of waxy and low-apparent amylose Philippine rices and of NSIC Rc222. Philipp. Agric. Sci. 97: 329-339

6. Hieu HC, Li H, Miyauchi Y, Mizutani G, Fujita N, Nakamura Y. (2014) Wetting Effect on Optical Sum Frequency Generation (SFG) Spectra of D-Glucose, D-Fructose, and Sucrose. Spectrochim. Acta pt. A 138: 834-839

7. Abe N, Asai H, Yago H, Oitome FN, Itoh R, Crofts N, Nakamura Y, Fujita N. (2014) Relationships between starch synthase I and branching enzyme isozymes determined using double mutant rice lines. BMC Plant Biol. 14: 80(1-12)

8. Nakamura Y, Aihara S, Crofts N, Sawada T, Fujita N. (2014) In vitro studies of enzymatic properties of starch synthases and interacting reactions between starch synthase I and starch branching enzymes from rice. Plant Sci. 224: 1-8

9. Matsushima R, Maekawa M, Kusano M, Kondo H, Fujita N, Kawagoe Y, Sakamoto W. (2014) Amyloplast-Localized SUBSTANDARD STARCH GRAIN4 Protein Influences the Size of Starch Grains in Rice Endosperm. Plant Physiol. 164: 623-636

10. Suzuki N, Fujimoto Z, Kim YM, Momma M, Kishine N, Suzuki R, Suzuki S, Kitamura S, Kobayashi M, Kimura A, Funane K. (2014) Structural Elucidation of the Cyclization Mechanism of alpha-1,6-glucan by Bacillus circulans T-3040 Cycloisomaltooligosaccharide Glucanotransferase, J. Biol. Chem. 289: 12040-12051

11. Funane K, Ichinose H, Araki M, Suzuki R, Kimura K, Fujimoto Z, Kobayashi M, Kimura A. (2014) Evidence for cycloisomaltooligosaccharide production from starch by Bacillus circulans T-3040, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 98: 3947-3954

1. Cenci U, Chabi M, Ducatez M, Tirtiaux C, Nirmal-Raj J, Utsumi Y, Kobayashi D, Sasaki S, Suzuki E, Nakamura Y, Putaux JL, Roussel X, Durand-Terrasson A, Bhattacharya D, Vercoutter-Edouart AS, Maes E, Arias MC, Palcic M, Sim L, Ball SG, Colleoni C. (2013) Convergent evolution of polysaccharide debranching defines a common mechanism for starch accumulation in cyanobacteria and plants. Plant Cell 25: 3961-3975

2. Abe N, Nakamura Y, Fujita N. (2013) Thermal properties, morphology of starch granules, and crystallinity of endosperm starch in SSI and BE isozyme double mutant lines. J. Appl. Glycosci. 60: 171-176

3. 藤田直子 (2013) 澱粉変異体米の解析と利用. 化学と生物 ”セミナー室” 51: 400-407

4. 藤田直子 (2013) 澱粉生合成研究の最前線と変異体米澱粉の利用と展望. 応用糖質科学 ”ミニレビュー” 3: 202-204

5. 安東竜一、影嶋富美、高口均、奥田茜、藤村岳史、相沢健太、高木洋平、高田正保、中村保典藤田直子 (2013) モチ性変異体米澱粉の食品等への利用可能性試験. 応用糖質科学 3: 213-221

6. Suzuki E, Onoda M, Colleoni C, Ball S, Fujita N, Nakamura Y. (2013) Physicochemical variation of cyanobacterial starch, the insoluble α-glucans in cyanobacteria. Plant Cell Physiol. 54: 465-473

7. Suzuki E, Suzuki R. (2013) Variation of Storage Polysaccharide in Phototrophic Microorganisms. J. Appl. Glycosci. 60: 21-27

8. Ito T, Katayama T, Hattie M, Sakurama H, Wada j, Suzuki R, Ashida H, Wakagi T, Yamamoto K, Stubbs KA, Fushinobu S. (2013) Crystal structures of a glycoside hydrolase family 20 lacto-N-biosidase from Bifidobacterium bifidum. J. Biol. Chem. 288: 11795-11806

9. Sawada T, Nakagami T, Utsumi Y, Ohdan T, Suzuki E, Nakamura Y. (2013) Characterization of Starch and Glycogen Branching Enzymes from Various Sources. J. Appl. Glycosci. 60: 69-78

10. Fujita N, Hanashiro I, Toyosawa Y, Nakamura Y. (2013) Functional study of rice starch synthase I (SSI) by using double mutant with lowered activities of SSI and isoamylase1. J. Appl. Glycosci. 60: 45-51

1. Fujita N, Hanashiro I, Suzuki S, Higuchi T, Toyosawa Y, Utsumi Y, Itoh R, Aihara S, Nakamura Y. (2012) Elongated phytoglycogen chain length in transgenic rice endosperm expressing active starch synthase IIa affects the altered solubility and crystallinity of the storage α-glucan. J. Exp. Bot. 63: 5859-5872

2. Nakamura Y, Ono M, Utsumi C, Steup M. (2012) Functional interaction between plastidial starch phosphorylase and starch branching enzymes from rice during the synthesis of branched maltodextrins. Plant Cell Physiol. 53: 869-878

3. Kusano M, Fukushima A, Fujita N, Okazaki Y, Kobayashi M, Oitome NF, Ebana K, Saito K. (2012) Deciphering starch quality of rice kernels using metabolite profiling and pedigree network analysis. Molecular Plant 5: 442-451

4. Fujita N. (2012) Analyses of function of starch biosynthesis-related isozymes in rice and production of novel starches (Review). J. Appl. Glycosci. 59: 63-69

5. Crofts N, Abe K, Aihara S, Itoh R, Nakamura Y, Itoh K, Fujita N. (2012) Lack of starch synthase IIIa and high expression of granule-bound starch synthase I synergistically increase the apparent amylose content in rice endosperm. Plant Sci. 193–194: 62–69

6. Akuzawa S, Okada N, Tamaki Y, Ikegami A, Fujita N, Vilpoux O, CeredaMP, Jane J-L (2012) Physicochemical properties of starches isolated from five cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) landraces of Brazil. J. Appl. Glycosci. 59: 131-138

7. Suzuki R, Terasawa K, Kimura K, Fujimoto Z, Momma M, Kobayashi M, Kimura A, Funane K. (2012) Biochemical characterization of a novel cycloisomaltooligosaccharide glucanotransferase from Paenibacillus sp. 598K. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 1824: 919-924

8. Kim YM, Kiso Y, Muraki T, Kang MS, Nakai H, Saburi W, Lang W, Kang HK, Okuyama M, Mori H, Suzuki R, Funane K, Suzuki N, Momma M, Fujimoto Z, Oguma T, Kobayashi M, Kim D, Kimura A. (2012) Novel dextranase catalyzing cycloisomaltooligosaccharide-formation and identification of catalytic amino acids and their functions using chemical rescue approach. J. Biol. Chem. 287: 19927-19935

9. Iwaki J, Endo K, Ichikawa T, Suzuki R, Fujimoto Z, Momma M, Kuno A, Nishimura S, Hasegawa T. (2012) Studies on Crenarchaeal Tyrosylation Accuracy with Mutational Analyses of Tyrosyl-tRNA Synthetase and Tyrosine tRNA from Aeropyrum pernix. J. Biochem. 152: 539-548

1. Nakamura Y and Fujita N (2011) Report on the meeting of the international Starchs Symposium in Akita, 2010 ”Frontiers of new approaches to starch metabolism dynamics” J. Appl. Glycosci. 58: 151-174

2. Izumo A, Fujiwara S, Sakurai T, Ball S, Ishii Y, Ono H, Yoshida M, Fujita N, Nakamura Y, Buleon A, Tsuzuki M (2011) Effects of granule-bound starch synthase I-defective mutation on the morphology and structure of pyrenoidal starch in Chlamydomonas. Plant Sci. 180: 238-245

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4. Hanashiro I, Higuchi T, Aihara S, Nakamura Y, Fujita N. (2011) Structure of starches from rice mutants deficient in the starch synthase isozyme SSI or SSIIIa. Biomacromolecules 12: 1621-1628

5. Utsumi Y, Utsumi C, Sawada T, Fujita N, Nakamura Y (2011) Functional diversity of isoamylase (ISA) oligomers: The ISA1 homo-oligomer is essential for amylopectin biosynthesis in rice endosperm. Plant Physiol. 156: 61-77

6. Fujita N, Satoh R, Hayashi A, Kodama M, Itoh R, Aihara S, Nakamura Y. (2011) Starch Biosynthesis in Rice Endosperm Requires the Presence of Either Starch Synthase I or IIIa. J. Exp. Bot. 62:4819-4831

7. Nakamura Y, Sawada T, Ohdan T, Aihara S, Fujita N (2011) New assay method for starch branching enzyme and starch synthase by the chain-length distribution analysis. J. Appl. Glycosci. 58: 119-123

8. Redestig H, Kusano M, Ebara K, Kobayashi M, Oikawa A, Okazaki Y, Matsuda F, Arita M, Fujita N, Saito K (2011) Exploring molecular backgrounds of quality traits in rice by predictive models based on high-coverage metabolomics. BMC Syst. Biol. 5:176

9. Kodama I, Shibata C, Fujita N, Ishikawa K, Takahashi T, Nakamura Y, Kawamoto T, Kato K, Sato K, Matsunami M, Akiyama Y. (2011) Starch properties of waxy rice cultivars influencing rice cake hardening. Jap. J. of Food Engin. 12: 157-162

1 . Suzuki E, Ohkawa H, Moriya K, Matsubara T, Nagaike Y, Iwasaki I, Fujiwara S, Tsuzuki M, and Nakamura Y. (2010) Carbohydrate metabolism in mutants of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 defective in glycogen synthesis. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 76: 3153-3159

2 . Hirabaru C, Izumo A, Fujiwara S, Tadokoro Y, Shimonaga T, Konishi M, Yoshida M, Fujita N, Nakamura Y, Yoshida M, Kuroiwa T, Tsuzuki M. (2010) The primitive rhodophyte Cyanidioschyzon merolae contains a semiamylopectin-type, but not an amylose-type α-glucan. Plant Cell Physiol. 51: 682-693

3 . Matsushima R, Maekawa M, Fujita N, Sakamoto W. (2010) A rapid, direct observation method to isolate mutants with defects in starch grain morphology in rice. Plant Cell Physiol. 51: 728-741

4. Takahashi S, Ohtani T, Satoh H, Nakamura Y, Kawamukai M and Kadowaki K (2010) Development of Coenzyme Q10-enriched rice using sugary and shrunken mutants. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 74: 182-184.

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7. Nakamura Y, Utsumi Y, Sawada T, Aihara S, Utsumi C, Yoshida M Kitamura S. (2010) Reaction characterization of starch branching enzyme from rice endosperm. Plant Cell Physiol. 50: 1062-1074

1 . Toyosawa Y, Fujita N, Nishi A, Nakamura Y, Satoh H. (2009) Screening of pullulanase deficient mutants of rice. Rice Genetics Newsletter 25: 42-43

2 . Fujita N, Toyosawa Y, Utsumi Y, Higuchi T, Hanashiro I, Ikegami A, Akuzawa S, Yoshida M, Mori A, Inomata K, Itoh R, Miyao A, Hirochika H, Satoh H, Nakamura Y. (2009) Characterization of PUL-deficient mutants of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and the function of PUL on the starch biosynthesis in the rice endosperm. J. Exp. Bot. 60:1009-1023

3 . Nakamura Y, Fujita N, Utsumi Y, Nishi A, Satoh, H. (2009) Revealing the complex system of starch biosynthesis in higher plants using rice mutants and transformations. Induced Plant Mutations in the Genomics Era. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome 183-186.

4 . Utsumi Y, Yoshida M, Francisco PB, Sawada T, Kitamura S, Nakamura Y. (2009) Quantitative assay method for starch branching enzyme with bicinchoninic acid by measuring the reducing terminals of glucans. J. Appl.Glycosci. 56: 215-222

5 . Sawada T, Francisco PB Jr., Aihara S, Utsumi Y, Yoshida M, Oyama Y, Tsuzuki M, Satoh H, Nakamura Y.(2009) Chlorella starch branching enzyme (BE) can complement the function of BEIIb in rice endosperm. Plant Cell Physiol. 50: 1062-1074

1 . Shimonaga T, Konishi M, Oyama Y, Fujiwara S, Satoh A, Fujita N, Colleoni C, Buleon A, Putaux J-L, Ball S, Yokoyama A, Hara Y, Nakamura Y and Tsuzuki M. (2008) Variation in storage α-polyglucans of the Porphyridiales (Rhodophyta). Plant Cell Physiol. 49: 103-116

2 . Plancke C, Colleoni C, Deschamps P, Dauvillee D, Nakamura Y, Haebel S, Ritte G, Steup M, Buleon A, Putaux JL, Dupeyre D, d'Hulst C, Ral JP, Loffelhardt W and Ball SG. (2008) The pathway of cytosolic starch synthesis in the model glaucophyte Cyanophora paradoxa. Eukaryot Cell 7: 247-257

3 . Deschamps P, Colleoni C, Nakamura Y, Suzuki E, Putaux J-L, Buleon A, Haebel S, Ritte G, Steup M, Falcon LI, Moreira D, Loffelhardt W, Raj JN, Plancke C, d'Hulst C, Dauvillee D and Ball S. (2008) Metabolic symbiosis and the birth of the plant kingdom. Mol. Biol. Evol. 25: 536-548

4 . Fujita N, Goto S, Yoshida M, Suzuki E and Nakamura Y. (2008) The function of rice starch synthase I expressed in E. coli. J Appl. Glycosci. 55:167-172

5 . Satoh H, Shibahara K, Tokunaga T, Nishi A, Tasaki M, Hwang S, Okita TW, Kaneko N, Fujita N, Yoshida M, Hosaka Y, Sato A, Utsumi Y, Ohdan T and Nakamura Y (2008) Mutation of plastidic α-glucan phosphorylase affects the synthesis and structure of starch in rice endosperm. Plant Cell 20: 1833-1849

1 . Suzuki E, Umeda K, Nihei S, Moriya K, Ohkawa H, Fujiwara S, Tsuzuki M and Nakamura Y. (2007) Role of the GlgX protein in glycogen metabolism of the cyanobacterium, Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 1770: 763-773

2 . Shimonaga T, Fujiwara S, Kaneko M, Izumo A, Nihei S, Francisco Jr. P, Satoh A, Fujita N, Nakamura Y and Tsuzuki M. (2007) Variation in storage α-polyglucans of red algae: amylose- and semi-amylopectin-type in Porphyridium and glycogen-type in Cyanidium. Marin Biotechnol. 9: 192-202

3 . Izumo A, Fujiwara S, Oyama Y, Sato A, Fujita N, Nakamura Y and Tsuzuki M (2007) Physicochemical properties of starch in Chlorella change depending on the CO2 concentration during growth: comparison of structure and properties of pyrenoid and stroma starch. Plant Sci. 172: 1138-1147.

4 . Fujita N, Yoshida M, Kondo T, Saito K, Utsumi Y, Tokunaga T, Nishi A, Satoh H, Park J-H, Jane J-L, Miyao A, Hirochika H and Nakamura Y (2007) Characterization of SSIIIa-deficient mutants of rice (Oryza sativa L.); the fucntion of SSIIIa and pleiotropic effects by SSIIIa deficiency in the rice endosperm. Plant Physiol. 144: 2009-2023

5 . Kanai M, Higuchi K, Hagihara T, Konishi T, Ishii T, Fujita N, Nakamura Y, Maeda Y, Yoshiba M, Tadano T (2007) The common reed produces starch granules at the shoot base in response to salt stress. New Phytologist 176: 572-580

6 . Shu X, Jia L, Gao J, Song Y, Zhao H, Nakamura Y, Wu D (2007) The influences of chain length of amylopectin on resistant starch in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Starch 59: 504-509.

1 . Toyota K, Tamura M, Ohdan T, Nakamura Y. (2006) Expression profiling of starch metabolism-related plastidic translocator genes in rice. Planta 223: 248-257

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4 . Fujita N, Yoshida M, Asakura N, Ohdan T, Miyao A, Hirochika H, Nakamura Y. (2006) Function and characterization of starch synthase I using mutants in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Plant Physiol. 140: 1070-1084.

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1 . Kubo A, Rahman S, Utsumi Y, Li Z, Mukai Y, Yamamoto M, Ugaki M, Harada K, Satoh H, Konik-Rose C, Morell M, Nakamura Y. (2005) Complementation of sugary-1 phenotype in rice endosperm with the wheat isoamylase1 gene supports a direct role for isoamylase1 in amylopectin biosynthesis. Plant Physiol. 137: 43-56.

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4 . Nakamura Y, Francisco Jr PB, Hosaka Y, Sato A, Sawada T, Kubo A, Fujita N. (2005) Essential amino acids of starch synthase IIa differentiate amylopectin structure and starch quality between japonica and indica rice varieties. Plant Mol Biol. 58: 213-227.

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1 . Tanaka N, Fujita N, Nishi A, Satoh H, Hosaka Y, Ugaki M, Kasawaki S, Nakamura Y. (2004) The structure of starch can be manipulated by changing the expression levels of starch branching enzyme IIb in rice endosperm. Plant Biotechnol J. 2: 507-516.

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1 . Fujita N, Kubo A, Suh D-S, Wong K-S, Jane J-L, Ozawa K, Takaiwa F, Inaba Y, Nakamura Y. (2003) Antisense inhibition of isoamylase alters the structure of amylopectin and the physicochemical properties of starch in rice endosperm. Plant Cell Physiol.44: 607-618.

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1 . Kawasaki K, Matsuda T, Nakamura Y, Ueno O, Taniguchi M, Nitta Y, Miyake H. (2002) Structure and immunocytochemical characterization of the synthesis and accumulation of starch in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas Lam.) tuberous root. Plant Prod. Sci. 5: 152-159.

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